Friday, August 22, 2008

Papa Beau-Dog

I left the boys to nap on our bed this afternoon.  I returned to check on them 10 minutes later, and Beau-dog apparently decided to join the non-action.  I had already shooed Beau off the bed earlier that day (when the boys weren't on the bed).  But since all parties seemed content, I left well enough alone and let them enjoy their group nap.

Checking on them again later, George had also made it onto the bed.  Crazy dogs.


Anonymous said...

Very cute! They're getting so big!

Erin said...

aren't animals funny - protecting their little ones =) (or maybe just thinking, "hey, what a great idea!")

Anonymous said...

Love that Beau dog. He's guarding the boys and it was nice of him to let George hop up on the bed!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Glad the puppies love the babies without jealousy.