Life has slowed a bit. Chris has settled a month into his new job. It is MUCH less stress. We are all happy about how this change has turned out.
Aunt Beth & I took the cousins to St. Luke's annual pumpkin patch. It's a very popular fall photo shoot setting here in Shreveport. I preface this photo with the fact that I had subconsciously imagined this day (or hour) to consist of propping sweet, happy smiling babies up against fat pumpkins, snapping adorable shots in the morning sun. That was not so much how it went. Instead, we caught intermittent photos in which one or both babies was not crying. Apparently sitting on scratchy hay is not a baby's idea of a good, happy time. Nonetheless, we got a few okay photos, one of which is below. Hopefully Beth got better ones!

PS - True to our word, we do not dress them the same but very rarely; I love these little onesies that one of our friends gave us, so occasionally they will wear the same outfit. (But note the different colors of fleece pants:)
The rest of the photos below were taken by Chris, trying to get a shot of the boys in their bumbos. We love these little seats for spoon feedings, until they are able to sit up a little better on their own and graduate to a high chair. In Chris' quest, the dogs apparently wanted to take the opportunity to give some sugar and inspect the area for the possibility of dropped baby food or milk. . . The dogs really do love their babies!
Note below, Beau-dog gives Luke a little sugar on the ear.

So the boys continue to grow. They have (finally, with some hopeful prayer on my part!) settled into a great routine with very predictable naps and feeding times. Bowen continues to roll like a champ, and Luke stays just a few weeks behind his bro in development. Bowen is progressing so well (and actually a little advanced in a few areas for his adjusted-age), that he has been discharged from occupational therapy for Early Steps. Luke will continue therapy for (hopefully just a little while) longer. However, Luke is definitely the champ when it comes to spoon feeding. From the first spoon feeding, he's acted as if he always knew what to do with a spoon. (Yes, that surprises us too! We thought for sure that little fat Bowen would be more aggressive with eating.)
Now that life has slowed a little, we'll hopefully have some updates about once every week or so. Take care!